IF YO U DO NOT A GREE WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITION S DO NOT I NSTALL THE SOFTWARE. Yo u must acc ept the te rms of thi s agreemen t before c ontinuing with the i nstallatio n.VCE EXAM SIMULATOR END USER LICENSE AG REEMENTThi s End-User License A greement ( "EULA") is a legal a greement b etween you and Avans et please read it ca refully.YO U AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TER MS OF THIS EULA BY I NSTALLING THIS PRODU CT OR PURC HASING ITS LICENSE C ODE.

Window detected: License Ag reementPle ase read t he followi ng importa nt informa tion befor e continui ng.Please read the f ollowing L icense Agr eement. Source: C:\Users\u ser\AppDat a\Local\Te mp\is-G1RB K.tmp\VCE Exam Simul ator 2.5. Static PE information: LOCAL_SYMS _STRIPPED, 32BIT_MAC HINE, BYTE S_REVERSED _LO, EXECU TABLE_IMAG E, LINE_NU MS_STRIPPE D, BYTES_R EVERSED_HI, RELOCS_S TRIPPEDįound installer window with terms and condition text